Welcome to Wymbin's Graduate Spotlight!
This is a space to celebrate all of our incredible Youth Yoga Teacher Training graduates and keep up to date with the inspiring things they are up to.
Introducing: Jaclyn Richards

Hi Jaclyn–welcome to your graduate spotlight! Can you introduce yourself and tell us a bit about your yoga journey?
My name is Jaclyn and I am a mother of two beautiful girls and an educator within the Calgary Board of Education.
I was initially drawn to yoga because of its connection to mental health and mindfulness.
In our busy 21st-century world we are constantly interrupted, our attention is pulled in all directions every minute of the day, all while trying to navigate the constant messages of who society “thinks” we should be. I found that Yoga was a way for me to reclaim control of my own mind and inner voice.
Why did you take yoga training with Wymbin?
A growing body of research suggests that yoga can improve focus, memory, self-esteem, academic performance, and classroom behaviour, and can even reduce anxiety and stress in children. For that reason, I wanted to bring mindfulness and yoga into my classroom. I also started an after-school yoga club “Mindful Mondays” and I hope to teach it as an elective.
How has your yoga teacher training supported you in your daily life?
I am currently on maternity leave with my children. We have integrated yoga into our home with both of our toddlers to help with self-regulation and behavioural management. Yoga, mindfulness and breathing exercises provide our kids with an outlet to calm down their bodies, and to take a time-in to process their big feelings. It has been a great tool to help foster mindfulness and help our children regain composure in those heightened moments.
Any updates?
Seeing the benefits of yoga/mindfulness in both my classroom and in our home gave me the idea to develop a resource that my students/kids can use in their daily practice. That’s when my sister (Ryder Richards) and I decided to create beautiful hand-painted affirmations for littles. Affirmations are not a new concept. However, I noticed that there was a significant gap in the market for ACTION-BASED affirmations targeted toward children in simple, yet powerful language. Integrating tangible and concrete actions allow children to internalize and manifest on a meaningful level. Actions really do speak louder than words.
You can check them out on our Instagram @stix.and.stones.affirmations.

Are you ready? Start your journey here!
Join us for Yoga Teacher Training in Calgary, Alberta!
Join us August 5th - August 7th 2022
We are so excited to offer another training and can't wait for you to join us!
Are you a Wymbin YTT graduate? We'd love to hear from you! Email jenna@wymbin.com.
- Jaclyn Richards

Jaclyn Richards is a graduate of Wymbin's Kids + Youth Yoga Teacher Training. She is mother of two beautiful girls, a teacher, storyteller and yoga instructor for children. With over a decade of teaching experience, Jaclyn uses meta cognition and mindfulness to teach resiliency in and outside the classroom!
Support local! Visit our online shop to purchase your very own stix and stones affirmation cards!
